Pilates Soft Balls

Pilates is a popular form of exercise that focuses on core strengthening, flexibility, and balance. One of the key tools used in Pilates is the soft ball, a small, lightweight ball that can be used in a variety of exercises to target specific muscle groups and improve overall strength and stability.

Pilates Soft Balls

Pilates Soft Balls in Australia are a versatile prop for the core strengthening and balance.

What are Pilates Soft Balls?

Pilates soft balls, also known as Pilates mini balls, are small, soft balls typically made of rubber or PVC. They come in a variety of sizes and densities, allowing users to choose the appropriate ball for their level of experience and the specific exercises they plan to perform.

The soft texture of the balls provides support and cushioning during exercises, making them ideal for Pilates practitioners of all levels.

Benefits of Pilates Soft Ball Training

Incorporating Pilates soft balls into your routine offers a number of benefits. Here are some of the key benefits of using soft balls in your Pilates practice:

Core Strengthening: Pilates is all about core strengthening, and using soft balls in exercises like crunches and bridges can help target the muscles of the abs, back, and hips.

Balance and Stability: The soft texture of the balls provides an unstable surface for exercises, challenging your balance and stability and engaging the muscles of the core, legs, and hips.

Flexibility: Soft balls can be used to enhance flexibility in exercises like spinal twists and hip stretches, providing support and a deeper stretch.

Muscle Activation: Using soft balls in exercises can help activate specific muscle groups, making them more effective for targeting those areas.

Types of Pilates Soft Balls

There are several types of Pilates soft balls available on the market, each with its own unique features and benefits. Here are some of the most common types of soft balls used in Pilates:

  • Rubber Pilates Balls: These are the most common type of Pilates soft ball, typically made of rubber or PVC. They come in a range of sizes and densities to accommodate different body types and fitness levels.
  • Foam Pilates Balls: Foam balls are softer and more pliable than rubber balls, providing a gentler surface for exercises like spinal twists and stretches.
  • Inflatable Pilates Balls: Inflatable balls can be adjusted for firmness, allowing users to customise their level of support and cushioning during exercises.

Choosing the Right Pilates Soft Ball

When choosing a Pilates soft ball, consider the following factors:

  • Size: Soft balls come in a range of sizes, from small balls that fit in the palm of your hand to larger balls used for exercises like bridges and planks. Choose a size that is appropriate for your body and fitness level.
  • Density: The density of the ball can affect the level of support and cushioning it provides. Choose a density that is appropriate for your level of experience and the exercises you plan to perform.
  • Material: Soft balls are typically made of rubber, PVC, or foam. Consider which material will best suit your needs and preferences.
  • Colour: Soft balls come in a range of colours, so choose a colour that appeals to you, your home, studio or just complements your workout gear.


Pilates soft balls are a versatile and effective tool for targeting specific muscle groups, improving core strength and stability, and enhancing flexibility. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Pilates practitioner, incorporating soft balls into your routine can help take your practice to the next level. So why not give them a try and feel the burn?

Ritmic Balls / Rhythmic Balls

Ritmic balls are a type of exercise tool used in dance, gymnastics, and other performance arts. Rhythmic balls in Australia are an elegant exercise tool for dance and gymnastics.

Ritmic Balls / Rhythmic Balls

History of Rhythmic Balls

The use of balls in dance and performance dates back to ancient times, with evidence of ball-like objects used in Greek and Roman performances. However, the use of modern Ritmic balls can be traced back to the 1930s, when dancers and performers began using small balls to create graceful movements.

Today, Ritmic balls are a staple of dance and gymnastics routines, with competitions held around the world for performers to showcase their skills.

Benefits of Rhythmic Ball Training

Rhythmic ball training offers a number of benefits for performers of all levels. Here are some of the key benefits of using rhythmic balls in your routine:

Coordination: Twirling and tossing rhythmic balls requires a high level of coordination and control. Practising with rhythmic balls can help improve hand-eye coordination and overall body control.

Flexibility: Rhythmic ball routines often require a high degree of flexibility, as performers must contort their bodies and move fluidly to create the desired patterns.

Endurance: Performing a rhythmic ball routine can be physically demanding, requiring a high level of endurance and stamina.

Artistry: Rhythmic balls add a level of elegance and grace to dance and gymnastics routines, allowing performers to express themselves creatively and artistically.

Choosing the Right Rhythmic Ball

When choosing a Ritmic ball, consider the following factors:

Material: Silk balls are the most common type of rhythmic ball and create a flowing effect when twirled. Rubber balls are heavier and create a more pronounced bounce.

Size: Ritmic balls come in a range of sizes from smaller balls to larger balls used for bouncing and tossing.

Weight: The weight of the ball should be appropriate for your strength level and the movements you plan to perform.

Colour: Ritmic balls come in an array of colours. This allows you to choose a ball colour that complements your costume, routine or just the colour you like the most!.


Ritmic balls are a beautiful and elegant exercise tool that add a level of artistry and grace to dance and gymnastics routines. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced performer, adding rhythmic balls to your routine can help improve your coordination, flexibility, endurance, and artistry.

Here at Fitball Australia, our Ritmic balls come in two available weights so whether you are an experienced gymnast looking for the classic Ritmic 420g or are a beginner looking for a lower impact training ball where we have the choice of the Ritmic 280g , we have you covered! So why not give them a try and add a touch of elegance to your next performance?

Pilates Ball

Pilates balls, also known as exercise balls, stability balls, or Swiss balls, are versatile fitness tools that can add a new dimension to your exercise routine. These inflatable balls offer a wide range of benefits, making them popular among fitness enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Pilates Ball

What are Pilates Balls?

Pilates balls are large, inflatable exercise balls made from durable, anti-burst PVC material. They come in various sizes, typically ranging from 45 cm to 85 cm in diameter, allowing you to select the size that suits your needs. These balls are designed to be versatile and provide stability during exercises, making them ideal for a wide range of workouts.

Why are Pilates Balls Used?

  • Core Strengthening: One of the primary uses of pilates balls is to target and strengthen the core muscles, including the abdominals, back, and pelvic floor. The instability of the ball engages these muscles, promoting better balance, stability, and overall core strength.
  • Improved Posture: Utilising a pilates ball during exercises challenges the postural muscles, helping to improve alignment and posture.
  • Balance and Stability Training: The unstable nature of pilates balls requires the body to engage smaller stabiliser muscles, promoting improved balance and stability.
  • Flexibility and Range of Motion: Pilates balls can be incorporated into stretches and exercises to improve flexibility and increase the range of motion of various joints, such as the spine, hips, and shoulders.
  • Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention: Pilates balls are often used in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings to aid in recovery from injuries, improve mobility, and prevent future injuries.
  • Varied and Dynamic Workouts: Pilates balls add an element of fun and variety to workouts, making exercises more engaging and challenging.

How Do Pilates Balls Work?

Pilates balls work by introducing an unstable surface during exercises, which engages and activates various muscles to maintain balance and stability. When performing exercises on a pilates ball, the body continuously makes small adjustments to maintain its position, engaging deeper muscle fibres and promoting core strength and stability.

What are Pilates Balls Suitable for?

Pilates balls are suitable for a wide range of exercises and fitness levels. They can be used for:

  • Core strengthening exercises, such as crunches, planks, and pelvic tilts.
  • Balance and stability exercises, including squats, lunges, and standing exercises on the ball.
  • Flexibility and stretching exercises, like spinal stretches, hamstring stretches, and hip openers.
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy exercises, aiding in the recovery from various injuries or conditions.
  • Pilates and yoga routines, adding challenge and variety to traditional exercises.
  • Postnatal exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles after childbirth.

When to Use a Pilates Ball

Pilates balls can be used during various workout sessions or as a standalone workout tool. Here are some scenarios when you might consider incorporating a pilates ball:

Home Workouts: Pilates balls are excellent additions to home exercise routines, allowing you to engage in a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups.

Gym Sessions: Many fitness facilities provide pilates balls, making them easily accessible for use during workouts.

Rehabilitation: If you are recovering from an injury or seeking to improve mobility and stability, pilates balls can assist in your rehabilitation journey.

Desk Exercises: Using a pilates ball as an alternative to a chair can help promote better posture and engage core muscles while working at a desk.

Additional Information about Pilates Balls

Safety Precautions: Ensure the pilates ball is properly inflated and that you have adequate space around you when exercising to prevent injury.

Choosing the Right Size: Selecting the appropriate-sized pilates ball is crucial for optimal comfort and effectiveness. Generally, when seated on the ball, your knees should be at a 90-degree angle.

Maintenance: Regularly check the ball for any signs of wear or damage. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper cleaning and maintenance.

Beginner-Friendly: Pilates balls are suitable for beginners as well as advanced fitness enthusiasts. Start with simple exercises and gradually progress as you build strength and stability.

Exercise Modifications: Various exercises can be modified to accommodate different fitness levels or specific needs. Consult a fitness professional or instructor for guidance on exercise modifications and progressions.

Pilates Ball Australia

Fitball Australia is a popular company that stocks and sells pilates balls in Australia.

Pilates balls offer a versatile and effective way to enhance your workouts and improve core strength, balance, and stability. Incorporating pilates balls into your exercise routine can provide numerous benefits, including improved posture, increased flexibility, and enhanced muscle engagement. Whether you are a beginner or advanced fitness enthusiast, pilates balls can add an exciting element to your fitness regimen.

Remember to choose the right size, follow safety precautions, and consult a fitness professional or instructor to maximise the benefits of using pilates balls. Get ready to elevate your workouts and enjoy the benefits of this dynamic and engaging exercise tool.

You can learn more about selecting the right size pilates ball by reviewing our FAQ page.

Medicine Ball

What is a Medicine Ball?

Medicine Ball

A medicine ball is a weighted ball, typically ranging from 1-50 pounds, that is used for various types of exercises, including strength training, conditioning, and rehabilitation. It is made of different materials such as leather, rubber, or vinyl, and can come in different sizes and shapes.

Medicine balls are versatile exercise tools that can be used to work out different muscle groups, including the core, upper body, and lower body. They are also useful for improving balance, coordination, and flexibility.

Some common exercises that can be performed with a medicine ball include:

  • Medicine ball slams
  • Russian twists
  • Wall balls
  • Squat throws
  • Push-ups with a medicine ball
  • Lunges with a medicine ball

Medicine balls are popular in both home and commercial gyms and can be used by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone looking to add variety to their workout routine. They are also used in physical therapy to help patients recover from injuries and improve their overall fitness.

The Versatile Exercise Tool for Strength and Conditioning

If you’re looking for a versatile and effective exercise tool, look no further than the medicine ball. A weighted ball that comes in a variety of sizes and materials, the medicine ball is a staple of fitness training, from gyms to physical therapy clinics.

History of Medicine Balls

The medicine ball dates back to ancient Greece, where it was used for athletic training and rehabilitation. The modern medicine ball, made of leather or rubber and filled with sand or other materials, was developed in the 19th century and gained popularity in the United States in the early 20th century.

Today, medicine balls are used in a wide range of fitness and sports training programs, from strength and conditioning to rehabilitation and injury prevention.

Benefits of Medicine Ball Training

Medicine ball training offers a number of benefits for fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and those in physical therapy. Here are some of the key benefits of using medicine balls in your workout:

Strength training: Medicine balls are a great tool for building strength in your core, upper body, and lower body. They can be used for a variety of exercises, including squats, lunges, push-ups, and overhead presses.

Conditioning: Medicine ball workouts can help improve your cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and agility. Exercises like wall balls, slam balls, and plyometric throws can challenge your muscles and boost your heart rate.

Rehabilitation: For those recovering from injuries or surgeries, medicine ball training can be a safe and effective way to build strength and flexibility without putting too much stress on the body. Physical therapists often use medicine balls for exercises like seated twists and standing throws.

Variety: Medicine balls can add variety to your workout routine and keep things interesting. With a wide range of exercises to choose from, you can mix and match medicine ball workouts with other types of strength and conditioning training.

Types of Medicine Balls

  • Medicine balls come in a variety of sizes, weights, and materials. Here are some of the most common types of medicine balls:
  • Leather medicine balls: These traditional medicine balls are made of leather and filled with sand or other materials. They are durable and provide a good grip, but can be expensive.
  • Rubber medicine balls: Rubber medicine balls are more affordable than leather balls and come in a range of weights and sizes. They are also easier to clean and maintain.
  • Soft medicine balls: Soft medicine balls are filled with foam or air and are designed for low-impact exercises. They are often used in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings.
  • Slam balls: These heavy-duty medicine balls are designed for high-intensity exercises like slams and throws. They are typically made of rubber and can withstand repeated impact.

Choosing the Right Medicine Ball

When choosing a medicine ball, consider the following factors:

Size: Medicine balls come in different sizes, ranging from 2-50 pounds. Choose a ball that is appropriate for your strength level and the exercises you plan to do.

Weight: The weight of the medicine ball should be challenging but manageable. You should be able to maintain good form while performing exercises with the ball.

Material: Consider the material of the ball based on your preferences and budget. Leather balls provide a good grip and durability, while rubber balls are more affordable and easier to clean.


Medicine balls are a versatile and effective exercise tool that can be used for a wide range of fitness and sports training programs. Whether you’re looking to build strength, improve conditioning, or recover from an injury, a medicine ball Australia workout can help you reach your goals. Work with your allied health professional, fitness trainer or medical professional to ensure you enjoy the benefits of using a medicine ball in your routine.

Labour Balls

Labor Balls have fast become a natural way to ease labour pains.

Labour Balls | Labor Balls

Giving birth is a life-changing experience that can be both exciting and challenging. Many women experience discomfort and pain during labour, but there are natural ways to ease the discomfort and make the process more manageable. One of these ways is through the use of labour balls.

What is a Labor Ball?

A labour ball, also known as a birthing ball / birth ball, is a large inflatable ball that can be used during pregnancy and labour. The ball is made of soft, elastic material and is typically 55-75 centimetres in diameter. It can be inflated or deflated to adjust its firmness, making it a versatile tool for a range of exercises.

Benefits of Using a Labor Ball

Using a labour ball during pregnancy and labour offers a number of benefits for both the mother and the baby. Here are some of the key benefits:

Pain Relief: Using a labour ball can help relieve back pain and reduce the intensity of contractions during labour. Sitting on the ball and rocking back and forth or side to side can help alleviate discomfort and promote relaxation.

Comfort and Support: The labour ball provides a comfortable and supportive surface for the mother to rest on during labour. It can be used as an alternative to a bed or chair and can help reduce pressure on the back and hips.

Pelvic Floor Strength: Sitting on the labour ball can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are important for supporting the uterus during pregnancy and facilitating the birth process.

Easier Birth: Using a labour ball during labour can help the baby move into the optimal position for delivery. This can make the birth process easier and more efficient.

How to Use a Labor Ball

There are several ways to use a labour ball during pregnancy and labour. Here are some of the most common:

  • Sitting: Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor, legs apart, and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Rock back and forth or side to side to help alleviate discomfort.
  • Leaning: Lean forward onto the ball with your arms and upper body, allowing your belly to hang freely. This can help relieve pressure on the back and hips.
  • Bouncing: Bounce gently on the ball to help relieve tension and promote relaxation.

Choosing the Right Labor Ball

When choosing a labour ball, consider the following factors:

Size: The size of the ball should be appropriate for your height and comfort level. A general guideline is to choose a ball that allows for a 90-degree angle at the knees when seated on the ball.

Firmness: The firmness of the ball can be adjusted by inflating or deflating it. A softer ball is easier to sit on, while a firmer ball offers more support.

Material: Labor balls can be made of different materials, including PVC, latex, or anti-burst material. Consider any allergies or sensitivities you may have when choosing a ball. Here at Fitball Australia, our labour balls are made of high grade market leading burst resistant quality PVC.


Using a labour ball Australia during pregnancy and labour can provide a natural and effective way to manage discomfort and promote relaxation. With its versatility and adaptability, the labour ball can be used in a variety of ways to support the mother during this life-changing experience. If you are expecting a baby, consider adding a labour ball to your birth plan and experience the benefits for yourself.

Birthing Balls

Birthing balls, also known as swiss balls, exercise balls or labour balls, are versatile tools that have gained popularity among expectant mothers and healthcare professionals as a beneficial aid during pregnancy, labour and delivery. These inflatable exercise balls provide support, comfort, and various therapeutic benefits during childbirth.

Birthing Balls | birth balls

What are Birthing Balls?

Birthing balls are large, inflatable exercise balls designed specifically for expectant mothers to use during labour and childbirth. These balls are made from durable, anti-burst material and come in various sizes, typically ranging from 55 cm to 75 cm in diameter. The size can be chosen based on the mother’s height and comfort level.

How Do Birthing Balls Work?

Birthing balls work by utilising the principles of movement, positioning, and relaxation. The gentle bouncing, swaying, or rocking motions on the ball help stimulate the body’s natural relaxation response, release tension, and ease discomfort during labour. Additionally, the upright and forward-leaning positions facilitated by the ball help promote optimal alignment of the pelvis, encouraging efficient contractions and effective pushing during delivery.

Why are Birthing Balls Used?

  • Pain Relief: Birthing balls are used to alleviate pain and discomfort during labour. The gentle bouncing or rocking motions on the ball can help distract from labour pains and provide a sense of relief.
  • Promote Optimal Foetal Positioning: Sitting or kneeling on a birthing ball can encourage proper alignment of the baby’s head and pelvis, which may facilitate labour progress.
  • Encourage Movement and Position Changes: Birthing balls allow for freedom of movement, making it easier for mothers to change positions and find the most comfortable and effective positions for labour and delivery.
  • Increase Pelvic Opening: Sitting or leaning forward on a birthing ball helps open up the pelvic outlet, providing more room for the baby to descend during labour.
  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction: The gentle movements on the ball can promote relaxation and help reduce stress and anxiety during labour.
  • Supportive and Comfortable Seating Option: Birthing balls provide a cushioned and comfortable surface for mothers to sit or lean on during labour, reducing strain on the back and hips.

What are Birthing Balls Suitable for?

Birthing balls are suitable for various purposes during pregnancy, labour and delivery, including:

Early Labour: Sitting or rocking on the ball during early labour can help promote relaxation and provide pain relief.

Active Labour: Using the ball during active labour allows mothers to adopt different positions, such as kneeling, squatting, or leaning forward, which can aid in pain management and labour progress.

Labour Positioning: Birthing balls can assist in finding the most comfortable and effective positions for labour, including upright positions that promote optimal foetal positioning.

Pushing Phase: Sitting or leaning on the ball during the pushing phase can enhance comfort, provide support, and encourage effective contractions and pushing efforts.

Post-Delivery Recovery: Birthing balls can also be used post-delivery to aid in recovery exercises, such as gentle stretching, strengthening, and pelvic floor exercises.

When to Use a Birthing Ball:

Birthing balls can be used at various stages of labour and delivery. Consider using a birthing ball:

  • During early labour to promote relaxation and pain relief.
  • As labour progresses, when the contractions become more intense, to find comfortable positions and provide support.
  • During active labour to aid in pain management, encourage movement, and facilitate optimal foetal positioning.
  • When preparing for the pushing phase, to maintain an upright position and encourage effective contractions and pushing efforts.
  • During the post-delivery period, for recovery exercises and gentle movements to aid in postpartum healing.

Additional Information about Birthing Balls

Safety Precautions: Ensure that the birthing ball is properly inflated and on a non-slip surface to prevent accidents or falls. Use the ball under the guidance and supervision of a healthcare professional.

Personal Comfort: Experiment with different positions and movements on the ball to find what feels most comfortable and effective for you during labour.

Partner Support: Birthing balls can also be used by birth partners or support persons to provide physical support, such as back or hip counter-pressure, to the labouring mother.

Hospital and Home Births: Birthing balls can be used in various birth settings, including hospitals, birthing centres, or home births. Check with your healthcare provider or birthing facility about the availability and guidelines for using a birthing ball.

Consultation with Healthcare Provider: Discuss the use of a birthing ball with your healthcare provider or midwife during your prenatal care visits. They can provide guidance, answer questions, and help determine the suitability of using a birthing ball based on your unique circumstances.


Birthing balls are valuable tools that offer support, comfort, and therapeutic benefits during labour and childbirth. Their ability to promote movement, encourage optimal foetal positioning, provide pain relief, and enhance relaxation makes them a popular choice among expectant mothers and healthcare professionals. By incorporating a birthing ball into your labour and delivery experience, you can enhance your comfort, actively participate in your birthing process, and facilitate a positive birth experience.

Remember to consult with your healthcare provider or midwife, follow safety guidelines, and embrace the benefits of using a birthing ball as a supportive aid during this transformative journey of bringing new life into the world.

Birthing balls Australia is being searched more and more as people learn about their benefits. Here at Fitball Australia, the birthing ball is one of our best sellers. Please do not hesitate to contact our team on [email protected] if you have any questions we can help you with.


What is an Aku Ring?

The Aku Ring is used for massage, reflexology, hand therapy, and relaxation exercises. Gentle to touch, provides a good grip. The Aku Rings sink, making them a great aquatic addition.

Aku Ring Photo


Interested to buy one? Click here: Aku Ring in set of 4.


Airex Balance Pad Elite

Airex Balance Pad Elite

The Airex Balance Beam can be used for a wide variety of applications including rehabilitation, balance training and coordination. The destabilizing properties of the Airex Beams super-soft”” specialty foam is suitable for use in the restoration and training of motor skills and balance.


Benefits of Airex Balance Pad Elite

The Airex Balance Beam combines both exercise and balance skills to increase strength, stamina, differentiation and coordination. The Beam is wider at the base than the top of the beam. This design allows the user or clinician to use the wide base or flip over the beam to create even more destabilization characteristics.



  • balance training
  • coordination and reaction training
  • mobility training
  • standing stability training
  • functional retraining of lower extremity muscles
  • motor skill training
  • proprioceptive stabilization skills
  • toe/heel and toe-to-toe movement

Balance for Health

Our feet were made for walking. Sitting and standing for long periods of time means that feet are used too little, placing them under excessive stress. As a consequence, the interaction between postural and motor functions, inervation (increased flow of information) and blood circulation becomes disturbed. The optimization of these interactions forms the basis of all physical therapy and sports therapy-based rehabilitation programs.

The sensation of instability generated by the Airex. Balance products has a highly stimulation effect on the control functions of the brain. The receptors in the feet, joints and eyes become highly active in order to keep the body balanced. These effects facilitate the following therapeutic and training objectives, which also support and promote one another:

  • improved intermuscular and intramuscular coordination
  • Increased ability to respond
  • Reduced risk of injury and falling
  • Improved posture and motion sequences
  • Training everyday functions and sport-specific motion sequences while making increased demands on muscles
  • Elimination of functional muscle contractures
  • Dynamic and goal-oriented strength training
  • Recovery of physiological toe and foot functions
  • Improving venous return flow. 880g

You can purchase Airex Balance Pad Elite from this link: Airex Balance Pad Elite

Aku Ball

Aku Ball

Do you need a highly tactile ball? The AkuBall is perfect for those who wants a highly tactile ball, but who prefer a firmer texture than the Sensory Ball. See photo of Aku Ball below.

Aku Ball Photo

aku-ball-green-fitball-australia-150x150                              aku-ball-exercise-ball-150x150


Buy Aku Ball here: Buy AkuBall

Movin ‘Sit Ergonomic Seating / Cushion

What is Movin Sit?

The Movin ‘Sit is a wedge-shaped ergonomic cushion. It may be inflated a bit. The spine have a natural S-curve, which is usually flattened out when seated on normal chairs. or with habitual poor posture. The Movin’Sit tips the pelvis slightly, helping the spine maintain its right curve. Since the wedge is inflated, it is somehow unstable – just like the ball. So it gives almost any chair a number of the benefits of active or dynamic sitting. If you already have a good natural S-curve in your spine, the Disco Sit might be more ideal for you.

Movin Sit Photo


Movin’Sit Air Cushion is an inflatable, dynamic cushion that activates intrinsic trunk muscles to support the spine.

It is contoured to support the thighs and buttocks to maximize comfort and stability. It can also be used upright in any chair as a back support or on the floor

You may buy Movin ‘Sit from this link: Buy Movin Sit